Quaker Connections

Little Red School House

Built by Mickleton Quakers in 1809, it was the only school in East Greenwich Township for many years.  The schoolhouse was renovated in 1941 for use as a community center for nearby residents to hold events.  

Salem Quarterly Meeting

Salem Quarterly Meeting meets four times a year with other Quakers in Salem, Cumberland Gloucester, and Cape May County. 

Friends School Mullica Hill 

We are an independent Quaker school empowering our students with a joyful, holistic, values-based education to last a lifetime. To nourish the development of the whole child, our curriculum includes musical, artistic, and physical education, along with classes in technology, science, and Spanish from Pre-K through 8th grade.

South Jersey Quakers

We are a collaboration of Friends from three different parts of South Jersey that we call Quarters. They are named as such because we meet for worship, business, and fun every three months or quarter.  Our first and foremost goal is to raise the visibility of Quakerism in Southern New Jersey, welcome new seekers, and provide resources for current members.

Philadelphia Yearly Meeting

Philadelphia Yearly Meeting connects 108 meetings in the region and gathers them annually. 

Quaker Speak

Friends Journal sponsors a series of short videos where people talk about all aspects of Quaker faith. 

Friends Journal

Friends Journal is the leading Quaker Magazine. 

Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC)

FWCC connects Quakers around the world.  The Americas section connects Quakers in North and South America.

American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)

"We bring together people of all faiths and backgrounds to challenge injustice and build peace around the globe."

Friends General Conference

"Together we nurture the spiritual vitality of Friends"

Arch Street Meeting House 

Arch Street Meeting House, located in Philadelphia, is the preeminent destination for experiencing and learning about Quakers’ unique contributions to society throughout history.