Witnessing the World

Witnessing in the World: Ministry of Outreach

  • How does our meeting communicate Friends’ presence and principles to the wider community?
  • How does our meeting join with other faith communities in worship, in spiritual dialogue and in social action?
  • What are we doing to invite persons to attend our meetings for worship, to welcome them when they come, to listen sensitively to their needs and hesitations and to encourage their continued attendance?
  • How do I share my spiritual life and experience with others?
  • Does my life as a Friend attract others to our religious society?
  • What opportunities have I taken to worship with people from other religious and cultural backgrounds and work with them on common concerns?

Witnessing in the World: Education

  • What does our meeting do to support and improve public education?
  • What help do we provide for the children and adults in our meeting to pursue their educational goals?
  • What is our meeting’s role in support for Friends’ education? If our meeting is connected to a Friends school or schools, does this relationship nurture spiritual life and the manifestation of Friends principles?
  • Do we enable children in our meeting to attend a Friends school? Does our meeting work with the family to consider all available means of support?
  • How do I show my concern for the improvement of public education in my community?
  • Do I demonstrate my encouragement and support for Friends education through awareness and service?

Witnessing in the World: Witness and Civic Responsibility

What is our meeting doing:

  • To become aware of systemic legal, economic and political injustices in our local community?
  • To build relationships with other faith communities around common concerns?
  • To reduce polarization within the larger community?
  • To work together with others to address injustice?
  • How does our meeting assist in restoring public recognition that government fulfills legitimate functions?
  • Am I mindful of how my lifestyle, work-life and investments affect others?
  • Am I open to seeking clearness on matters of conscience? Am I open to assisting others in doing so?
  • Do I fulfill my civic responsibilities when they do not conflict with divine leading?